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Registering invoices using the invoices to be received functionality


In making purchase journal entries, you can use the Invoices To Be Received (ITR) functionality to match the outstanding purchase lines with purchase invoices. If the creditor has at least an outstanding purchase order, you will see the Invoices to be received screen when you press the TAB key after typing or selecting the creditor of the purchase transaction under the Creditor column in the purchase journal header section. Alternatively, you will also see the Invoices to be received screen when you press the F2 key to select the purchase order number to be entered in the sub lines of the purchase journal under the PO no. column. The mechanism to open the Invoices to be received screen will depend on the purchase journal column settings you have defined. For more information, see Defining purchase journal columns.



This displays the code and name of the creditor in the purchase journal entry.


Select Purchase orders to view the purchase orders made with the creditor, Purchase order lines to view all the purchase order lines in the purchase orders made with the creditor, or Receipt lines to view the purchase order lines where items have been received.

Group by

Depending on the Show option you have selected, define the grouping option to group the purchase order lines or receipt lines. If you have selected Purchase orders lines at Show, the available grouping options are None and Purchase orders. Meanwhile, if you have selected Receipt lines at Show, the available grouping options are None, Purchase orders, and Your ref.  

Note: This field will only be available if you select Purchase order lines or Receipt lines at Show.


Type or select the date range to view the purchase transactions within the defined date range or select the All check box to view the purchase transactions in all the dates.

PO no.

Type the purchase order number that you want to view.

Your ref.

Type the Your ref. number of the receipt that you want to view. In a purchase receipt, Your ref. refers to the delivery note number issued by your creditor.

Note: This field will only be available if you select Receipt lines at Show, and None or Your ref. at Group by.

Our ref.

Type the Our ref. number of the receipt that you want to view.

Note: This field will only be available if you select Receipt lines at Show and None at Group by.

Entry no.

Type the entry number to view the receipt with the matching entry number. The entry number for receipts is automatically assigned when processing the receipt.

Note: This field will only be available if you select Receipt lines at Show and None at Group by.

Precision (Quantities)

Select 0, 1, 2, or 3 to define the precision for quantities to be displayed in the results. For example, if you select 3, and the quantity is “25”, the system will display the quantity as “25.000”.


Type or select the currency to view the purchase transactions in the selected currency. If you do not select any currency, the system will show the transactions in your default currency.

Invoices to be received section

This section displays the purchase orders, purchase order lines, or receipts based on the defined criteria after you have clicked Refresh. You can select the lines to be copied over to the purchase journal sub lines. At the bottom of this section, you will be able to see further information regarding the total quantity and amount of the selected purchase transaction lines.



Click this to display the purchase transaction results based on the defined criteria.


Click this to export the purchase transaction results to Microsoft Excel.


Click this to view the purchase order of the selected transaction line.


Click this to enter the selected purchase transaction lines to the sub lines of the purchase journal.


Click this to exit.

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 Main Category: Attachments & notes  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category:  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category:  Document ID: 17.694.066
 Assortment:  Date: 26-09-2022
 Release:  Attachment: